Canary Checker

Canary Checker #

Canary Checker is a Apache 2.0 licensed Kubernetes Native health check platform that provides a single pane of glass for health across your stack.

Canary Checker

Canary checker provides similar functionality to Prometheus Operator’s HTTP Probes but adds:

  • 30+ different protocols including SQL, S3, CIFS, SFTP, Mongo, Redis and ElasticSearch
  • Alert aggregation from Alert Manager, AWS CloudWatch, Dynatrace and Datadog.
  • Pipeline health from Github and Azure Devops.
  • Kubernetes resource health and status checks.
  • Control Plane testing by spinning up Kubernetes resourcess.
  • Integration tests using any test suite that exports to JUnit including Playright, K6, Newman, JMeter
  • Dependency free binary with a built-in dashboard
  • Extension through CEL (Common Expression Language) and Go Templates.