Aiven Database-as-a-Service #
Aiven provides managed, cloud-based instances of your favorite open source tools such as PostgreSQL, Kafka and M3DB. We focus on making hassle-free, reliable and scalable cloud services, so that you can focus on the things you know best.
Aiven database-as-a-service enables you to accelerate application innovation through a modern, fully-managed open source data infrastructure immediately deployable in public clouds, including Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, and Microsoft Azure. The multi-cloud and open source approach means that you are never locked in to an Aiven solution.

Deploy to your preferred cloud and region with Aiven
Open Source Cloud Data Hub #
Aiven has a tool for your every need, here is an overview of the highlights:
- Traditional keystone databases/datastores: PostgreSQL (and extensions), MySQL, Redis
- Data streaming pipelines: Apache Kafka, Apache Kafka Connect, Apache Kafka MirrorMaker
- Fun with distributed systems: Apache Cassandra
- Time series data: InfluxDB, M3DB (and TimescaleDB as a PostgreSQL extension)
- Every-stack essentials: ElasticSearch and Grafana
Choosing Aiven #
Aiven comes highly recommended because the product provides a single, well documented, and easy to manage API that spans several different types of databases at once. The API also powers a CLI tool, the friendly web console interface, and a Terraform provider, making your services much easier to manage and maintain.
-> Aiven